It’s amazing at how much smoke blows out of cleaning companies marketing claims. If you believe the hype you’ll believe that you must choose a cleaning company because they are either “super eco,” “pay their maids by performance,” or offer 1000 years of experience even though they are still cleaning with the same tired old techniques.
Cleaning is like any other process and we highly recommend you see beyond the cloud of smoke and focus on what features a cleaning company offers that directly affects you.
Here’s the list of the most popular marketing claims that hold no value to the consumer:
The idea is that by paying maids based on performance – as in your feedback – backfires more than helps as not only do you get mediocre cleaning but you are harassed by maids hoping for a great review from you so they can get paid.
The sober reality is that companies that employ this rarely pay their maids at the top of the pay for performance scale even when feedback is positive.
This is no longer a “feature” or something that helps you choose a cleaning company.
The excessive experience is calculated starting when the owner, and maids, first started walking on their feet (as toddlers) and wiping things with their play rag to the present.
This is just another way of getting around the fact the business probably hasn’t been around long so ignore it.
With all the marketing smoke here’s what you should care about: